Thursday, 18 August 2011

So close we can almost taste it...

Well we're down to "see you later" dinners and last minute wrap ups.  We head out on Sunday, August 21st...this coming Sunday for those who aren't sitting by a calendar.  For the most part we are packed and set to go; minus a handful of ends that need to be tied up.

On the note of packing I have to admit that this trip has been more stressful to pack for than any other trip I've been on.  The main reason of course is that this is the longest I've been travelling but the other reason is that usually when I travel I have a home base (friends houses that I start from and end at, people I know along the way, etc) which makes it easier to pack extra and drop as you go.  Not this time though.  This time the only person I know is Mike and his pack has more than mine does so I'm in trouble.  The worst part is I've got almost nothing in my pack clothing wise.  It seems that between travel books, novels and electronics, etc my 60L pack fills up quick.  At this point I'm packed pretty full and there is a pile of things sitting outside of my pack that need to go in.  On top of that I'm not interested in leaving with a full pack so I guess on Saturday some decisions need to be made...everytime something goes in something else must come out. 

Phew..first post out of the way.  I was getting hassled that I'd sent out the address but there was nothing on here.  Well, here you go, now there is some bla bla bla for you to read :-)

I'd suspect next time you hear from me I'll be somewhere that's not here.


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