Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Get us the *&$# out of here!

OK, it's not really that bad, but it's been a bit of a frustrating first full day of the trip. It's pouring rain here, and the flight we had found from Amsterdam to Venice was with RyanAir, whose website rejected both of our credit cards. If you want to call them, it's a toll call and they charge .50 euro per minute to talk to them! So, with no phone except our cells (brutal roaming rates), this was a poor option.

We scrounged around and basically couldn't find anything decent. After killing two 30 minutes sessions at the internet cafe, we finally decided to bite the bullet and pay twice as much for a flight to Milan. From there we'll figure out some way to get to Venice. Probably.

We do have a cool looking guest house reserved in Venice for three nights. The weather there looks fantastic (which is why we canned Prague). Sun sun sun sun sun. Yes.

Once we're in Venice I think we'll be done with flights for at least a few weeks. We'll be on the Adriatic coast there, and we can train or bus to Slovenia and then south to Croatia. There'll be another bump in the road eventually, when we have to get from eastern europe to africa, but I guess we'll figure that out when the time comes. Who knows, maybe we'll end up on some crazy long ferry trip from Albania to Italy or something. (I bet my mom is groaning as she reads this, remembering the horrific ferry that she and dad took on their european trip).

Well, hopefully the next post is from a nice sunny location where we can relax and not worry about much planning. Today has been a bit stressful, looking forward to a more relaxed setting.

Oh, and T just reminded me. You should see our kick-ass new wedding rings. They are hot. I mean, these things are so cool that you could freeze a cucumber. They're very high quality stainless steel bands that are so shiny you can sort of see your reflection in them. Nice eh? The best part: $10 (total, not each, what you think I'm made of money?)

OK, see you all later.


1 comment:

  1. Glad you got there safe and sound with only a few bumps in the road! Enjoy your adventure. Tracey I am desperately missing my coffee buddy! Miss you guys.
